Domain Name:
Asking Price: Not for sale through
Category: Geo Domains
Sub-Category: Massachusetts, Middlesex County
Domain Appraisal
Wholesale: $2,617 Discount: $6,543 Market: $13,805 Retail: $26,171+
* We offer a range of prices because it better reflects how domains actually change hands. We ground them in statistics and comps but we acknowledge that circumstances, interest in selling/buying also plays a huge part. Domains typically sell in the discount to market range but some domain owners will sell at wholesale prices if they need quick funds and others that are not looking to actively sell their domains may want significantly more for their domains!
Domain Analysis
Overview: Tyngsborough is a small town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts with a town population of 11,292 according to 2010 census bureau statistics. Tyngsboro is another spelling for it, and it seems to be the more popular searched on term.
Comps: $700,000 (2007), $550,000 (2006), $153,000 (2007), $150,000 (2008), $123,000 (2006)
Commentary: This is a very interesting domain as it is unusual for an alternate spelling to have more traffic than the official spelling of a domain and it is even more interesting that it is a geographical domain. This makes this domain a must have pairing with for capturing search engine traffic that pertains to that particular geo location and the two in combination are probably worth more together than if two different owner’s were to control them from a monopoly standpoint.
Availability: This domain is not for sale through Super Niche. This is simply a valuation of its internet metrics.
Google Keyword Stats
Competition: low
Global Monthly Searches: 60,500
Local (U.S.) Monthly Searches: 60,500
Approximate CPC(Search): $1.44
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