Domain Name:
Asking Price: N/A
Category: Brandable, Generic Domains, Business, Names
Sub-Category: Descriptive, Dictionary, Consultants, Surnames
Domain Appraisal
Wholesale: $9,260 Discount: $23,150 Market: $46,301 Retail: $92,602
* We offer a range of prices because it better reflects how domains actually change hands. We ground them in statistics and comps but we acknowledge that circumstances, interest in selling/buying also plays a huge part. Domains typically sell in the discount to market range but some domain owners will sell cheaper if they need quick funds and others that are not looking to actively sell their domains may want significantly more for their domains!
Domain Analysis
Overview: Augurs were ancient Roman priests that gave advice on whether or not a course set upon was the will of the Gods. They did this by studying the flight paths of birds.
Comps: $115,313 (2010), $75,000 (2012), $60,000 (2011), $43,000 (2012), $30,000 (2012), $22,222 (2011), $12,500 (2010)
Commentary: is a highly brand worthy domain that would be ideal for companies seeking to be closely associated with good business decisions or consultants that want to be viewed as the person you should come to to insure you are making good business decisions. It would be ideal for companies that are in consulting niches like risk management, information technology, marketing or financial planning.
Automated Appraisals: $45,000 - $4,930
Availability: This domain is no longer available.
Google Keyword Stats
Competition: low
Global Monthly Searches: 8,100
Local (U.S.) Monthly Searches: 2,900
Approximate CPC(Search): $0.10
Sell Your Domains
Week of: October 29th – November 4th 2012 Theme: Sports takes submission for all categories on a daily basis with an emphasis on the “theme of the week”.
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